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Alpha’s Reshade Presets


Hey folks, today I release some reshade presets for you. Unfortunately I cannot provide the RayTracing shader for free as it’s a paid addition, so feel free to head to Marty McFly’s patreon to get it, it’s worth it trust me.

Included are 3 reshade presets designed to look natural, but also pretty for photos with nice color grading. 1 of these presets is a more natural look, one is using a cooler LUT, and one is using a warmer LUT.

These presets are mainly meant for photos, so they are somewhat taxing on the PC. However they still look pretty good while playing normally, just disable the depth of field shaders.

I’m excited to see if you guys get some killer photos with these presets, enjoy!

(Note: The depth of field I use is set to “mouse-driven focus” so you’ll need to manually hover your mouse over what you want in focus, then use the spacebar to hide the replay UI which hides the mouse cursor)

Mod Instructions

Download the included ZIP file, and extract the .ini files into your reshade presets folder (Typically located in steamapps/common/MX Bikes/ reshade-shaders/Presets


Total downloads: 2753

Alpha's Reshade Presets

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