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Moto Central Design Co “Abstract” KTM SX-F 450


Moto Central Design Co “Abstract” KTM


This skin works with everything in the game that I could think, Both P2stas and Gios wheels, Both Cody James and TFCs stands, Both the Standard OEM and Akrapovic and handguard model swaps. The reason there is a fat bar/twinwall version of the pub skin is the metals psd is different to have the handle bar change color like twinwalls do, “fat bar” is just no model swap and “twinwall” is for any of the handlebar model swaps on It will work with the FMF model swap but the GFX has Akra logos on it. Photos bellow showcasing everything. Cheers Guys hope you enjoy!



OEM team for the quality product we have with model swaps and quality psds, Insane’s 3d viewer, P2sta and Gio panda for the wheel models, Cody James and TFC for the stands, Buzz Cooksey for all the help with questions I always have, Threetwo7 for his adobe tutorial video, Timez for proofing and screenshots.


Twinwall,Akrapovic,TFC stand,P2sta wheels



OEM Model, Cody James Stand, Gio Wheels




Mod dependencies

This mod by Logn341 is needed:

P2sta Wheel import


Total downloads: 1055


Mod Instructions

Put the mods folder into "C:\Users\Example\Documents\PiBoSo\MX Bikes" and all skins will self install onto both bikes

Stand instructions will be on Cody James/TFCs post

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