version 1.0
for the supermoto lovers, here is a set of Dunlop tires based on the KR series, both slicks and rain!
they come with black rims and aluminum Talon hubs and a 320mm front disc rotor
to install simply extract the .zip in your ..Documents/PiBoSo/MX Bikes/mods/tyres
they share the same hubs and rims with the MAXXIS and Dunlop MX33 wheels released some time ago, they only differ in proportions and have a new tire texture (of course)!
texture quality is much lower than the mx tires i released (1024×512 compared to 2048×2048) just because these wheels need 24 color maps (with 24 normals) each to work correctly, so i had to shave off something for a decent file size.
anyway the lesser quality is only noticeable at extreme close ups!
this is the same template already released for the MAXXIS and MX33 tires with a little correction to accomodate the slightly different polys!
– included 7 colors of Talon hubs (black, silver, gold, orange, red, blue, green)
– included 7 colors of Excel and Alpina rims (black, silver, gold, orange, red, blue, green)
– included normal and specular maps
– don’t touch or remove the sprocket and discs area, it’s needed for the discs and sprocket!
– name them wheel.tga and you’re good to go
– they feature ‘adaptive’ dirt layers based on the gfx.cfg of each track (please track makers add that file to your folders so we don’t have the stock Nutella colored dirt)
– there are 3 layers of wear for both slicks and rain, but i had to skip the blur effect to avoid having the folder 3 times larger
– disc rotors and the sprocket are not modeled, they would have been more polygon heavy then the tires so i went for simple planes, they look as good (if not better) at almost any distance but with way less geometry!
if you want to support me and see more, please consider a small donation by clicking the Paypal button don’t have to, but i would really appreciate and you will have my eternal gratitude!