Hi everyone,
Quick writing because Greenlenux made me rush it!
I thought about making an old YZ style graphic on the new bike.
I ended up replicating this YZ below from Chad Reed, and while I was at it I thought about making a more 2004 look alike bike.
So here you go, both 125 and 250 included.
Not my best bikes in terms of details but it does the job I guess.
Chad Reed version will come later.
(Thanks for the rush again Greeno)
Thanks to everyone involved in what you can see above
If you want some custom stuff hit my discord, Logn341#5349, I’ll get you sorted.
Do not forget to give to creators, me or another.
Total downloads: 497
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the PNT file(s) included in the download into the "mods/bikes/*bike*/paints" folder. If you have the model as a PKZ, but no folder, create a folder same name as the PKZ (but without the PKZ extension) and inside there create a "paints" folder.