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2014 Toronto Supercross


Hello all
This is my version of the 2014 Toronto supercross.
This is my first track that I am releasing and a precursor to the hillside compound that I am currently making.

I am not a pro track maker so the track is not the worlds best, but with help from some awesome people I think it turned out as good as my first track could.
Id like to Thank
Logan-Getting me started on everything by teaching me how to make heightmaps in photoshop, and dealing with my stupidity.

Red Rider- Gates and SO much help with textures and models, and dealing with my stupidity.
Kewinfeula- Providing me with most models, and dealing with my stupidity.
Everyone in the greatest discord ever that is “Earth Wurx” for helping me with my million questions and dealing with my stupidity.
Resolute Kraken- His amazing tool and helping and dealing with my stupidity.
Mulock 22- Help with timing gates and dealing with my stupidity.
Kuakky-A Beta tester than turned this track around, helped me so much with sizing and making more lines possible.

TypicalCanadian-Another great beta tester
Alpha-Another great beta tester
Gio Panda- Objects
Slabz- Emotional support
Dylan Frisch- Emotional support
If I forgot anyone I apologize. There have simply been so many people helping me its hard to keep track of everyone <3

I tried to make this track as much as of a replica as I could. From what I know there is only 1 line that James Stewart was doing in the long section that is not possible. But other than that you have a wide selection of lines.
(Please dont launch the double into the whoops <3)

For the Server Version
Just open the folder to find the PKZ. I put it in a folder so I could upload it to MediaFire since it has the same name as the normal version and would override it. 🙂
Thanks for dealing with my stupidity

I expect no donations, but if you wanted to show me some love a simple follow on insta or sub on youtube would do the trick!
And you will get a sneak peak at my coming projects.



Total downloads: 573

Made for Beta 17.

Server Version
Server Version

Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.

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