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2021 Leatt 8.5 (18!) helmet paints, (28!) goggles !


first: when you download make sure to put the entire 2021 Leatt 8.5 folder into your helmets folder as their was currently no folder for them! -hey guys, here we have a bit of an addition to the 2021 Leatt 8.5 helmet originally released by Paramoto910 and model by Aeffertz who i would also like to thank for the PSD! Their are about 18 additional helmet paints here, and i believe 28 new goggle paints, a bunch of those being all new SPY goggles just cause we never really see them so wanted to show them some love, and good amount of new leatt goggles as well. side note i mostly wanted to add the goggles because with the original goggles that came with this helmet, they all seemed to make the entire helmet GLOW! not sure if that was on purpose or not lol but it was a bit distracting for me so I never really used it even though I really liked the helmet! anyways with all of the goggles in this pack you won’t have that problem, you can even use the original helmet paints without them glowing (the glow I realised was only with the original goggles, not the actual helmet itself) and i managed to get some proper tinted lenses on the goggles as well ! ALL OF THE NEW GOGGLES I ADDED WILL BE FOUND BELOW THE ORIGINAL GOGGLES IN lower case letters, JUST FOR CONVENIENCE SO YOU DONT HAVE TO SCROLL THROUGH AN ENTIRE LIST. SO IF YOU PREFER THE GLOW OF THE ORIGINAL GOGGLES THEY WILL ALL BE AT THE TOP, NON GLOW GOGGLES, below them! thanks guys !


Total downloads: 193


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