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2024 Kelso Cup Rd. 1


What’s up everyone!

What we have here is round 1 of IBSKelso’s series, called the Kelso Cup. This track raced really well, has some fun sections, and is great for casual riding. Round 1 was last week, the plan is to release each track an hour before the race starts on for free. After the event is over, the track will be released here.

Any rumors going around of this series “trying to take over the ARL series” is absurd and childish. It’s a completely new format of racing and just gives players another avenue to race. This is in no way, shape, or form, to discredit or take anything from mxbmods, mxbshop, or mymxb. There’s enough division in the game, some think there has to be a “meta” with everything and that takes away enjoyment from the whole game.

The start gate does have slight collisions, I left them be because i felt it added another layer of difficulty and seemed to work out ok.

Have fun! Details for Round 2 can be found in Kelso’s discord, as well as

None of this would have been possible without the following;

Earthwurx – answering any questions i have, and showing me ze way
Red Rider – All the supercross objects, and help with my annoying questions <3
StoneRider – For the sauce
Jackie Moon – Catch Nets
Jesse Mulock – help with tracked stuffs
Logan aka Mr Earthwurx – helping me out with the jump template
ITZP4NDA – built rough heightmap
IBSKelso – hosting the series, and giving me positive encouragement
Stratos – same as above, and the main guy behind building the website and setting up the races

Thank you to everyone that helped test this as well! If I missed anyone, please feel free to let me know!


Total downloads: 4549

Made for Beta 18.

Server Version
SERVER VERSION - googledrive

Mod Instructions

Download the "RIDER VERSION". If u download the SERVER VERSION your track will load in all black

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