Welcome to Rd.5 East Coast 2025 FSX – Tampa Bay by Steezy Studios, Clouds, AyyySmokey, Smoksta, Kyler VMR, Motion Works and H.S. This is a collective effort from all of us to offer a free series under the name FSX (Futures Supercross). This is a 42 rider pit and allows 24 riders to race. I built the heightmap side of things amongst putting together the tracks, Clouds works on the phenomenal Stadiums, I cant speak highly enough about Clouds, he is one hell of a creator. AyyySmokey placed the tough blocks and objects you see on the track and trackside. Smoksta helped tremendously with the track masks/ normal maps etc. Kaileb at Motion Works and H.S. have helped an insane amount getting the Discord side of things together. We got off to a slow start but should be on par to release the remaining rounds the day before or the day of the IRL races. I have purchased a server and will continue working on getting this free series off the ground for anyone who wants to ride/ race the tracks.
None of this would have ever been possible if it were not for the ARL series, Stone Rider, Niko etc…They paved the way with many great ideas for smaller creators like myself to emulate and I cannot thank them enough for what they do. This series is just a “ride the track map” type of series and is in no way trying to compete with the legit series of ARL, I respect them too much to ever step on their toes. It will also never be a paid series for that reason. If there are any issues please let me know and ill fix asap. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.
Clouds – Stadiums (phenomenal creator)
Smoksta – Track Masks/ Normal Maps
AyyySmokey- Object Placement
Kyler VMR – Discord/ Series Set up
Motion Works – Discord/ Series Set up
H.S. – Discord/ Series Set up
Red Rider – Tuff Blocks/ Objects
Resolute – Track Creation Program
Niko/ Mouk Labs – Technical help/ Track Registration
Roshell- Gates
Moto Option – Over Under
Erect Erections/ KingMX818 – Objects
Track Info
Track ID: 2025 FSX - Tampa Bay
Soil Types (track materials)
Total downloads: 4380
Made for Beta 19.
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.