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2025 Monster Energy Kawasaki Public (for ’23 KX)


Long time no upload. That’s gonna change! I present to you the 2025 Monster Energy Kawasaki team livery! This has been made to work with the current OEM Kawasaki KX450 2023 bike model that we have now. It’s pretty early for Kawasaki to be showing off their kits for next year, I almost didn’t make it because I assumed this would probably be just a pre-season addition in case the true 2025 version looks dramatically different. However, the OEM team should be putting out the new 2025 models out for the 19.1 OEM Update here very soon, I’m assuming, so I decided what the heck since this kit was sorta easy and fast to whip up and it only had just a few slight design changes from the ’24 I did previously. As always, this livery is tire mod universal. And if you have any of Phantom’s Pro Circuit Ti-6 Model Swaps, I accounted for that also. You can get them both for free HERE and HERE (+ handguards). 🙂


If you’d like me to add your name, number, etc. to anything I make, or anything done completely from scratch, HMU on Discord: actuallybuzz#3552 – If you want to buy the PSD template to this KAWASAKI kit, hit me up on there!


Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE if you hadn’t already!

And also join my Discord server HERE to stay up to date with everything I’m doing for MX Bikes!


I did recently collaborate with Dashpack to make the 2025 Monster Kawi kit for his brand new 2025 KX450 OEM modelswap if you’d like to use that one instead of this version for the older 2023 bike model! Get it HERE!


Got a new MX vs. ATV Reflex Supercross track replica nearly finished, as well as new bike kit, so be on the lookout for that!


With Phantom’s Pro Circuit Ti-6 Model Swap


Without Phantom’s Pro Circuit Ti-6 Model Swap


Total downloads: 1600

2025 Monster Energy Kawasaki Public (for '23 KX)

Mod Instructions

Double-click the downloaded ZIP file to open it.

Now drag the folder titled 'mods' into C:/Users/.../Documents/PiBoSo/MX Bikes.

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