This is my 2023 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing replica. It is meant to be as close to the real thing as possible. I slaved over the details lol. Included is a public paint, a paint with my number, a Cooper Webb replica, and a Max Vohland replica.
Some of the tinier details are the D.I.D. wheels mated to Kite hubs, carbon fiber covers on the brake and clutch handlebar reservoirs with a Brembo logo, proper tiny decals on the forks that are present on the 2023 factory KTM’s, the proper brake caliper colors as seen on the factory bikes, the proper AMA/SMX/Tech inspection stickers on the number plates, frame guard coloring accurate to the real bikes, and light-gold fork lugs. That’s all I can think of at the moment. Also, Cooper Webb and Max Vohland’s numbers are completely accurate:)
Just look over the bike if you feel like it because this is supposed to be THE Factory KTM Paint. I wanted this paint to be as close to the real thing as possible because that’s just how I function. Every single tiny detail has been looked at and replicated just as it is in real life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. If it matters, the paint is accurate to the bikes at Anaheim 1. Sorry, but I have no plans on including a PSD for this. The in-game fonts fit everything though!
Thank you to Frankie37, Insane, and GreenLenux for the bike model and PSD’s. A lot of this went much quicker with the included options in the metals PSD. Still, this took 40 hours and a few tiny revisions. Thanks guys:)
Mod dependencies
This mod by giopanda is needed:
[release v1.0] Dunlop Geomax MX33 + Excel Signature rims
Total downloads: 2149
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the PNT file(s) included in the download into the "mods/bikes/*bike*/paints" folder. If you have the model as a PKZ, but no folder, create a folder same name as the PKZ (but without the PKZ extension) and inside there create a "paints" folder.