Home of mods for MX Bikes with over 8000 submissions!

All Stand, Rider fonts, Bikes fonts, UI Logo, Background menu, Pack All-in-one B15


Transform your game, in just a few seconds.
Put directly into your Mx Bikes installation folder everything is done automatically !!

What inside ?
bg = background
misc = font, fonts, stand
rider = fonts
stand = motorbike stand
ui = logo
bikes = logo

Background OFF    [You can use one at a time but all the backgrounds are stored in the off folder if you want to use another one]

Stand OFF    [Same, you can use one at a time but all the backgrounds are stored in the off folder if you want to use another one]

Fonts OFF [Lots of different fonts].


Update link 12/25/2020


!!!! Important !!!!
I’m not the author of his mods, I just share with the community and don’t get any benefit from it, I would like to especially thank all the modders whoever they are for their time and their precious work on MxBikes.
!!!! Important !!!!


Total downloads: 5707


Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the files included in the download into "*MX Bikes installation folder*/misc/bg" (for example, C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes). If you don't have a misc folder, create it, inside there create another folder "bg" and there you put the "" files and what else came with the download.

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