What’s up guys! Welcome to Dillon’s Mx Park, my first track build. Dillon’s Mx Park is semi replica of my local track in Duncan, OK. I hope you guys enjoy! Please leave feedback so that I can keep improving and building the MxBikes community great tracks!
There are a few people I would like to give credit to for helping me successfully create my first track build.
Resolute Kraken – For the track editor tutorials
TFC Mods, Mouk Lab, Dylan Frisch- For the track building tutorials
Agitato, Ruubs, GioPanda, – For the track assets and object placement tutorials
Kellz & Cody – For the tree asset pack.
Ryan Cardno – For the garage asset pack
Total downloads: 1476
Made for Beta 18.
Mod Instructions
PiBoSo, Mxbikes, Mods, Tracks, Then drag the track you downloaded into the Motocross folder.