My First Background. Figured id share it and see what people think. Its just the Honda version at the moment. But I can and will change a lot and update this post.
CREDITS: Thanks INSANE for the tutorial on how to do this in the first place
Thanks LC CREATIONS For the 3D Models of the bikes in the scene
Thanks FROSTY122 For the Bike Template psd
Thanks CODY JAMES for the Bike stand model and psd
And a Thanks to the blender community for the tutorials and free models used in this scene
Put bg SteamsteamappscommonMX Bikesmiscbg
Total downloads: 4197
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the files included in the download into "*MX Bikes installation folder*/misc/bg" (for example, C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes). If you don't have a misc folder, create it, inside there create another folder "bg" and there you put the "" files and what else came with the download.