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Goat Farm 2011


!!!EDIT: If you downloaded the pkz file, then you’ll need to re-download the mega link, the pkz file I directly linked didn’t work.

Welcome to Ricky Carmichael’s 2011 test track Which is now known as the Star Racing Yamaha Test Track.

This is the first track I have created and posted to MXB Mods; I have created some other ones but never felt like they were worth being released. Let me know what you guys think about it, give me some feedback, opinions, pointers, anything that you think would improve the track! I might be changing some of the jumps and turns for a more updated/quality build. Some of the turns and ruts are not the best, but like I said it is my first released track and trust me they are better than what I have created before.

UPDATE: I have reworked some of the turns and jumps on the main track as well as made new mask and textures for it. I have completely wiped the old supercross tracks and built a new Supercross track and an Arenacross style track. I also added the iconic water truck, thanks to tfc! 

Big thank you to:

AGITATO – for track assets and some tutorial videos

REDRIDER197 – for semi pack track assets

RYAN CARDNO – for the garage asset

TFC – for video tutorials and track assets from the forum – The Assets Thread (

RESOLUTE KRAKEN – for the track builder, video tutorials, and for making it possible for any pleb like me to contribute to this awesome community


Total downloads: 1482

Made for Beta 18.


Mod Instructions

Once downloaded, open the zip file, move or copy/paste the Goat Farm file into the mods/track folder.

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