Home of mods for MX Bikes with over 8000 submissions!

Keranen Compound (FIXED)


Hello! This is my first ever mod for MX Bikes, and first ever track built. Thanks to lynds for making this possible by uploading his track creation tutorial vids. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to make this. This track is what I’d do if I had a huge plot of empty land. The compound features a main supercross track, which can be ridden on any bike. Two arenacross tracks, mainly for 125s and pitters. A small trail system, for any bike. And an fmx jump spot. The jumps are pretty small but can give some good air.


Track Info

Track ID:

Soil Types (track materials)

Soft Soil


Total downloads: 1025

Made for Beta 18.

Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.

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