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Minotaur Compound


What’s up everyone!

Welcome to the Minotaur Compound, located somewhere in the deep woods of Florida. This is a fantasy track that was created off the top of my head. It was unplanned, and I kind of winged it. I wanted to go for the backyard moto track vibe with a fun flowy track.

Its not perfect, but hey, I tried. There are some nice booters, including a massive table and a Laroccos Leap style triple step up, both 4th gear wfo on a 250f. The track is mainly wide open and fast, but there are some technical aspects as well. I feel like there is a pretty decent skill gap, where beginners and more advanced players can both enjoy.

40 gates & pits, ready for you to shred. Hope you enjoy!


I wanna take a second to thank:

Piboso- for the game
Cody James & Kellz- Tree Pack
Gio- track assets pack
Fred_Mx- Skidsteer & Dozer
Ryan Cardno- Garage Pack
Everyone in the Discord that helps me out, couldn’t do it without yall

P.S. – MotoBros, Okeechobee Mx will be next to be released, really close to having that all wrapped up


Total downloads: 2294

Made for Beta 18.


Mod Instructions

Drag .pkz file into documents/PiBoso/MxBikes/Mods/Tracks folder

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