Hey bois and girls what’s up? Nothing much? Well let me introduce you to Morrinhos MX! It’s a replica track with some new lines I created and the track feels the way I wanted something Vvibing like “KMX-Country Side”. As I had so much fun and good times playing at that track I wish I could bring the same vibe to this project. It’s a begginer friendly so everyone can have some fun what is the porpose we play this game all day and finishing this monologue there is a based track of the Round 13 | Foxborough next AMA/ARL series track to be released. So that’s it I’ve been off for a big time but we are back at it again!
Next project:
-TFC (If it wasn’t your tutorials I would’ve never starting on track making)
– Resolute (Resolute MXB Track Builder)
– Dblu752 (Materialize/ Daylon cool tricks) you are the man <3
– Dylan Frisch aka Jack of no trades (Assets)
– Earthwurx (assets, answers, help, etc.)
– Higgo (tents and other assets)
– RedRider (help and assets)- Endo (textures, trees, other assets)
– DA Mods (Dayllon leveler help, masks, other stuff)
– Fatmuppet (banners)
– Pietro (help back in the day)
– Rubs (assets)
– Giopanda (assets)
– jm328_mxb for my new FTR logo. big thanks man! Looks sick!
– LD Lincon Designs for help using blender & photoshop.
-Logan Dog Dog thanks for teaching me how to make ruts and berms and jumps using photoshop! Saved me a lot of time!
If I forgot anyone I am sorry and please let me know to edit my credits!
Track Info
Track ID: MorrinhosMX.pkz
Total downloads: 8156
Made for Beta 18.
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.