I have created a simple yet stylish rope chain in three color waves: Rose, Gold, and Silver. It’s the first of many unique items that I’m excited to share with you. If you’re interested in making your own, here are the tga names you’ll need:
Texture: terp.tga
Normals: terp_n.tga
Spec/Reflection: terp_r.tga
You can contact me on Discord at Terp._. if you have any questions.
To install the chain, simply copy the rider folder and paste it into your mods folder. You’ll usually find this folder here: PiBoSoMX Bikesmods. If you want to go further, the path would be: PiBoSoMX Bikesmodsriderprotections. Just make sure that my PKZ and paint folder are placed in the protections folder. I hope that helps! Enjoy!
P.S. If you want, I can make a PSD file available upon request. The UV render is already included in the package.
Total downloads: 1677
Mod Instructions
REMOVE THE OLD ONE IF DOWNLOADEDsimply copy the mods folder and paste it into your mods folder most commonly found here
PiBoSo\MX Bikes\mods
farther into it would be
PiBoSo\MX Bikes\mods\rider\protections