Hello, this bike is very important and means a lot to PingazAF and my self. This bike has been specially designed for the use of promoting the cause of mens mental health. Mens mental health is heavily overlooked and the company which is a non for profit organisation which specialises in reducing the decline in mens mental health. Donations are heavily appreciated and all go to a good cause. However if you do not have the funds to donate dont feel bad as by downloading this bike and checking out Pingaz Stream helps a lot, all profits go straight to the charity its self. The charity stream will be held for 24hours and takes place from 5pm Saturday 24th June and ends 5pm Sunday AEST 25th June. PingazAF will be streaming on twitch and will have heaps of fun as always making sure the viewers are involved with his amazing elim races and occasional switch to fall guys haha. In these elimination races winners will be awarded with this bike which includes their name and numbers so why not join in and see how you compete.
– PingazAF on twitch
– Beyond Blue Charity
Mod dependencies
This mod by giopanda is needed:
[release v1.0] Dunlop Geomax MX33 + Excel Signature rims
Total downloads: 61
Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)
Put the PNT file(s) included in the download into the "mods/bikes/*bike*/paints" folder. If you have the model as a PKZ, but no folder, create a folder same name as the PKZ (but without the PKZ extension) and inside there create a "paints" folder.