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Riverside MX Re-Imagined


Well, it’s finally here! I could honestly spend weeks and weeks tweaking things but for the sake of a first track release I’m happy to release it as it is. I have learnt so much in the 90 hours I’ve spent on this bad boy, multiple programs I’ve never touched before, hours and hours of YouTube tutorials and lots of questions in the Earthwurx discord.

Here is Riverside MX Re-Imagined! What started as a replica track of a track in the South East of the UK which has been closed for many many years soon turned into a semi-replica once I realised how boring an exact copy would be. So instead, I’ve added loads of extra jumps and ruts that were never there IRL and it really makes it so much better in game.

The masking of 3d grass and the transition between off-track and on-track textures could definitely be improved however that’s where my photoshop skills were definitely a limiting factor! The shadows make some ruts intentionally difficult to see just to spice things up a bit and for all of you WFO warriors, I’m afraid there’s a few corners you’re gonna have to slow down for!

All jumps can be cleared on a 250, I’m sure they’re also possible on a 125 if you hit the outsides hard enough!

(Video will be live 10 minutes after this post)


A massive thankyou to the following:

EarthWurx Discord – Helping with any queries and questions
Cody James/Phantomz – Rut brushes for photoshop
Cody James/Kellz – Y Tree Pack
Redrider – Semi Pack/EzUp Pack/Various Machinery
Navo – Vans
Jesse Mulock – Pickup Truck/TrackEd Tutorial
Giopanda – Acerbis Track Marker/Tree Billboards
Phantomz – Skidsteer
TheFluffyGecko – FMX Ramps
Resolute Kraken – Track Builder Helper/Youtube Tutorials
TFC – Youtube Tutorials

Apologies if I missed anyone out.


Somebody randomly added this girl to the post but she’s quite attractive so she can stay

Feedback is always welcome but I’ll be away for about 6 days now so any meanies will be left unread 🙂

Track Info

Track ID: Riverside MX


Total downloads: 7602

Made for Beta 18. Compatible with other Betas.

Server Version

Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.

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