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SX Test Site


What’s up everyone!


What we have here is a little supercross training compound, packed with 2 supercross track, as well as a fun little free ride area. The 2 SX layouts are based off of 2024 St Louis & 2024 Denver. They’re not fully 100% replicas, but only differ slightly from the irl track maps.

The clay (orange) track is St Louis, and the grey dirt track is Denver, or my interpretation of it based on the track maps. Both are somewhat difficult but once u get the lines down shouldn’t be too bad for newcomers to supercross. The whoop sections on both tracks are pretty tough, especially if you thought the whoops on Kelso Cup round 1 were hard. But once you can start hitting them consistent i feel it will more than prepare you for the ARL races. You won’t find these tracks super rough, but I did add some breaking bumps and chop to the courses to add some level of difficulty/immersion.

Tracks work well for both 250s & 450s, most lines are doable on the smaller CC’s but will find u have to stretch some sections slightly. The 450 is an absolute blast to rip, both layouts have a few quad line options.

You’ll definitely want to bring the 450 out to the free ride area, as there are a couple massive booters that send you to the moon. I didn’t spend a whole lot of time on this area as the main focus was on the supercross tracks, but if you get bored rippin motos then this is perfect for wanting to chill and hit some fun transfers.

For some reason (mainly because I have about 3 brain cells) I wasn’t able to get each track on their own layout, and put everything in one pkz. So, I’ll have a pkz for each layout to download, and if u want both layouts I will have both pkz’s in one zipped folder. Files sizes are somewhat large, which is the reason i’m posting each pkz separately. If size is no problem, simply download the zipped folder, unzip and drag both pkz’s into your mods/tracks folder

Hope you enjoy! It’s not perfect, but it’s fun nonetheless. Each track has 40 pits, and 22 gates so hopefully will see some fun lobbies on both layouts.

Server versions are going to be added, I am unfortunately having issues signing into the track manager 🙁


EarthWurx – knowledge and help, and putting up with my millions of questions

Red Rider – same as above, still holding strong with a 5 star customer service rating. Also the water trucks, water, EarthWurx machines, dunlop archway, and blender help

Stonerider – the sauce

Logan – template help, and constructive criticisms (yes my 3ft singles are still fat)

Resolute Kraken – rk helper & tutorials

Mulock – tracked help & tutorials

Mouk Labs – tracked help & tutorials

Kellz – help with various things, & tree objects

Ryan Cardno – Warehouse

Dylan Frisch – Fence

Disturbed Kid – white round bales asset pack

All the youtube guys – Lynda, Kelso, Smoksta, Scizy, basically everyone that reviews my tracks you all are one of the reasons i love doing this


Total downloads: 2262

Made for Beta 18.

2024 St. Louis (Orange Layout) MEGA
2024 Denver (Grey Layout) MEGA
Server Version
Server Version

Mod Instructions

Download the BOTH LAYOUTS mega, unzip folder and drag both pkz files into your mods track folder. Each track is available for separate downloads if storage space is an issue.

If your track loads in black, you downloaded the SERVER VERSION and need to install the RIDER VERSIONS

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