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Track Building 101: Intro (Instructions/Tips)


First and foremost…

This was not intended or made to be released. It was merely a way for myself to keep track of stuff I’ve learned so I didnt have to go searching everywhere if I forgot something. With that being said there’s obviously stuff i forgot or didnt mention.


Here is a set of instructions that beginners or even seasoned track makers could surely benefit from. First time track makers or those looking to get into it are always wanting someone to explain track making from “start to finish” but it’s kind of impossible. The amount of stuff that goes into it and all of the little things you have to be sure are correct for everything to work is not something you can simply explain to someone. Well this is those things that you NEED to know summed up and ready to read. I was never intending on making this for the public but I decided, instead of bitching about lack of tracks or lack of quality, that I should be a part of the solution and this document came to mind. It’s easy to read and accurate (to my knowledge).


Thoughts? Comments? Let me know


Credit/References:  TFC texture layers info and screenshot, Piboso Wiki pages for objects info, If i forgot anyone let me know.


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