Home of mods for MX Bikes with over 8000 submissions!



What does my reshade do exactly?

The Twis Creations Realism reshade balances Quality & Performance, with it’s own twist, this reshade simply adds more vibrant colors, optimized settings for low end computers, and a little spec of dust when it comes to shadows, sunlight, and much more features.

– Adaptive Lighting for shadows and overall dims, meaning you will actively see better in shadow areas, but of course, your not immune and don’t have night vision, so let’s keep it fair.
– Adaptive Bloom for overall colors and more vibrancy, makes darker colors more bright and boost the overall look of the track/ models involved.

So much more is done but you are free to see for yourself as the Download, and YouTube video will be posted to demonstrate the reshade at a more explained detail.

Track Used in the Photos: 2024 MXGP Trentino by JV { Credits to him }

Also, this is the first post I have made since 1.9 years ago, WOHOO I am so glad to be back! 

Discord: Click Here
Bike Graphics are Owned by SLDesigns so credits to Them & Liposek himself.


Total downloads: 268

Mod Instructions

Navigate to your MX Bikes Steam Folder Directory, simple, go to where it says MX Bikes in steam, right click, then click on Manage>Browse Local Files> And then you can simply drag and drop the ini provided inside that folder and BAM, reshade installed and ready to use!

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