Home of mods for MX Bikes with over 8000 submissions!



West MX:

This is my FIRST track ever!

(I usually only make bikes/gear but decided to give track building a go.)


Depending on how the public reacts/responds to this project will determine whether I make it my mission to continue down this path to master badass track builder or not lol.

So yeah, I encourage you to express your feelings in the comments. It means more than you think.


Please & Thanks Guys! Much love!




Track Info:


This track is made to have fun on while still being challenging/technical at the same time. It’s not meant to be a hardcore 1:1 scale track that punishes you severely.

Great flow and each section compliments the next if ridden properly which is pretty rewarding. There’s a few multilple choice split sections but they are setup to be evenly timed to make it fair for racing (one line is not faster than the other and vise versa).

Everything is do able on an OEM 250f but you have to be on your game to make most of the jumps. The OEM 350f/450f have no trouble making everything. All race data is done properly so its raceable. 32 gates 40 pits.






Reso – track building program

TFC, baked minotaurs, endo, & mouk lab – tutorials

Giopanda, AGMX – assets

cody & kellz – Y tree pack

Ryan C – Garage pack

vegi – testing



Track Info

Track ID: West MX


Total downloads: 5877

Made for Beta 18.

mega player version
Server Version
server version

Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.

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