Prepare to RIDE THE LIGHTNING and overshoot EVERY jump.
A-Kit tyres included with four power modes: 130HP/150HP/200/250HP.
Newly Included Supermoto version with OEM SM tyres and GP tyres.
Newly added QUICK-SHIFT.
Fair warning: It breaks traction everywhere.
I did not create this from scratch, I took the base geometry from the GOTHBOY husq701 (Menezes/CBMXon/Fosse/SKIP)
Download here:
(Sub to the creator required to unlock the download. This is not my channel)
I then model-swapped it with the 22 CRF yoshimura by VICKERSS315 (which is why the hands don’t line up perfectly)
Download here:
I then added the engine files, sounds, tyres and did a ton of geom/config work to add all the features it has now and turn it into an entirely different bike.
I set out to create a fun weapon with my limited knowledge and that is all, not to steal work from anyone else.
I learned a lot from making this and hope to make my own mods without using files from anybody else in the future.
With that said.
Plz enjoy.
Design from promo photos:
UPDATE: 24/2
*changed folder layout to include base folders and sm tyre, my bad lol.
*found cause of power loss issue at high rpm.
(Fixed the clutch and lowered the traction added as a band-aid, now its even faster and handles more realistically.)
UPDATE: 25/2
*Traction tweaks.
(Tested on a few more tracks and found a happy medium between slippery and grippy tracks.)
*Slight bump in traction and better balance between front and rear grip levels.
(Added a wider range to front and rear sprocket for more gearing adjustment, it goes about as high or low as you’d ever need it to)
*Traction tweaks
(Slightly increased traction and balance, front and rear tyres now have identical friction and use the tyre files to decide front and rear grip differential)
*Additional downloads
(Added original model and an XXF model from early testing to download if the hands not lining up annoy certain people, definitely annoys me but the alternative is ugly or unable to be painted, some (all, as far as I’ve tried) XXF paints will not work)
UPDATE: 08/3
*Bike not appearing in game fix
(Figured out why the bike wasn’t appearing in-game, tyre folder is addressed as factory_tyre in cfg, was named p_mx in folder mockup for drag and drop installation, my bad)
*Factory tyre update
(Added factory tyres for use, feels way better.)
UPDATE: 18/3
The Jet Black Speedway preparation update:
*Supermoto version added, has OEM and GP tyres
*Quick shifter added
*Added swingarm length
(Goes up to 30 now)
*Wheel geometry fixed
(Hadn’t noticed the wheels weren’t concentric to the axles)
*Aero changed to reduce the tendency to flip at speed and allow 300KPH top speed (250HP mode)
*Added more/less traction modes to bike folder to streamline download
*Model swaps removed as wheel geometry has changed to accommodate CRF model.
*Engn file Adjustment
(Improved engine braking)
*New sounds
*Increased swingarm lateral stiffness
(It literally tries to fold itself under power and turns with the rear wheel. Well.. it did anyway.)
UPDATE: 19/3
*Fixed front shock alignment
(shock tubes weren’t concentric)
UPDATE: 20/3
*Fixed swingarm length adjustment
(Steps=/=length, actually added length and reduced steps)
*Mostly fixed front tyre clipping through mudguard
(Lengthened front suspension, completely fixing it would ruin the geometry of the bike)
*Rear suspension geometry adjustment to match front
*Default setup adjustment
(Stiffened rear default adjustment to accommodate longer front suspension, bike lands way better now)
UPDATE: 08/07
*Added temporary fix for beta 19 update
(Beta 19 Update seems to have broken factory tyres for my bikes yet still works with the original bikes, will release a full update when I know more and can re-implement them)
UPDATE: 29/01
*Added A-kit tyes
(Removed OEM mid-soft tyres, too slippery and factory tyres no longer work, might tweak in the future cause they feel a tad too grippy)
Total downloads: 12823
Made for Beta 19.
Mod Instructions
Simply extract and drop mods folder into your mx bikes folder in /documents/piboso/mx bikes.