My first track!
This started as a replica of Loket’s mxgp layout, before I found out Sloofa already has a beautiful version! (go check it out if you want a proper replica of this track) So in the interest of bringing something fresh, I took the liberties to use the same overall layout (track path, elevation should still be close ish on track at least) and to bring my own creative flair to the features, roughness, and textures! I don’t really know what to label it as, seeing how its half replica – half fantasy.
Most of my testing was done on a four stroke 250, with 3-5x erode (I love how this track erodes, the thumbnail is after 10ish laps on 5x erode) 125s shouldn’t have too much of an issue handling the track, 450s feel a bit overkill to me.
I hope you enjoy your time spinning laps here! Please do share your feedback, I’m looking for ways i can improve my track building!
Many thanks are needed:
- TFC, for the tutorial and skies (This map wouldn’t exist without your videos!)
- Rosshell, Agitato, and Ruubs, for their trackside obects and arches
- Resolute Kracken, for the wonderful track builder helper
Total downloads: 211
Made for Beta 18.
Mod Instructions
if you run into issues with the track not showing up in game, make sure the file is named exactly "Loket Mx.pkg". if the download gave it a hyphen, replace it with a space and get to rippin (: