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MJSX2 Winter Edition


Welcome to Jaeckels Hillside SX 2019, or in short: MJSX2 Winter Edition. – TL;DR

This track was originally made by MJrace for MX Simulator. Back in 2019 I messaged him on Instagram and he allowed me to port this track into MX Bikes. Actually, I even released this track in late 2019 around christmas time as a total bugfest because I’ve been rushing the release and the winter theme was a pretty spontaneous idea.

Even that the heightmap was pretty much done and I was happy with how it felt in MX Bikes, I never touched the track again.

Until now.

I loved the idea of a winter themed track as we never had anything similiar (besides the Winter Wonderland freeride track), so I dug the old project files up and started using Resolute Krakens Track Helper which was a blessing. Working on a track never felt as great as with this handy tool. Definitely check it out!

Back to topic: I started adapting my old project files to RKTH and realized how much fun it actually does. So I kept going and now we’re here. Pictures say more than words so take a look:

Massive thanks to Resolute Kraken for his help and his track helper app. This tool really kept me going!

Thanks to Ruubs (Ruben Kuilder) for the awesome looking bales!

Thanks to Niko Mouk for his object placement tutorials!

Last but not least: thanks to MJRace for the permission to do this!


I hope you all like it, if anything feels weird or you have weird performance issues, I’m happy to take a look at it!

Don’t eat the yellow snow.


Track Info

Track ID: MJSX2_WE


Total downloads: 1664


Mod Instructions (DEFAULT)

Put the PKZ file or folder into your "mods/tracks/*category*" folder.

Support insane!

Any support is greatly appreciated! ♥

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